Month: March 2009

Andrew Hay is Coming to Town!

No, I’m not making a list, checking it twice, nor watching you while you’re sleeping, but I am coming to San Francisco for the 2009 RSA Conference. I’m not often on the West Coast so if you’ve ever wanted to talk with me, meet me, pick my brain, buy me lots of beer, or simply ask about the story behind the crazy picture I took of myself whilst on vacation (the one in this post), you’ll finally have your chance.

Please contact me at andrewsmhay [at] gmail [dot] com (you know what to remove to make the email work) to arrange a time to talk/meet.

links for 2009-03-12

  • "The BBC claims it has acted legally and has advised the owners of the PCs it infected as to how to cleanse their machines of the malware."

    That's like punching someone in the face and justifying it by explaining that you later told them how to use ice to reduce the swelling.

links for 2009-03-06

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