Metasploit Project Acquired by Rapid7 a Good Thing

In case you haven’t already heard from the numerous other sources, HD Moore’s Metasploit project has been acquired by Rapid7 and he has joined the company as their CSO. A lot of people see this as a bad move but I see it as a good thing. Not only does this free up HD to dedicate more time to Metasploit but it also allows him to have a team of dedicated developers working on it full time. Sure the code will probably make it into Rapid7’s products before it’s released to the public but in the end you get what you pay for.

The same thing happened when Third Brigade acquired the OSSEC HIDS project. Some of the OSSEC code was commercialized but the real bonus was how they allowed Daniel Cid to keep working on OSSEC full time. Since the acquisition OSSEC has released some pretty cool enhancements that probably would still be a year or two away had Daniel not been able to work on them full time.

There is always a silver lining folks…

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