Vote For My #BSidesSF Talk “My Life on the Infosec D-List”

jobuPlease vote for my BSidesSanFrancisco talk entitled “My Life on the Infosec D-List” by tweeting (I think that’s a verb now) the following:

I vote for “My Life on the Infosec D-List” by @andrewsmhay #BSidesSF

Abstract: People new to information security often find themselves wondering how to make a name for themselves in the industry. Andrew Hay has lived most of his career on the D-list but has worked hard to increase his status in the hopes of someday landing that coveted A-list position. Through this talk we’ll discuss how to expand your circle of influence, how to build your personal brand, and how to move up from the dreaded Infosec D-List.

I PROMISE it will be entertaining 😉

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