I’m going to start a new section of my blog in which I detail some of the blogs that I read and the reasons I keep going back to them.
I’m going to start with PCI Compliance Demystified. From the ‘About’ page:
This blog is devoted to demystifying the PCI DSS compliance process and linking you with as many resources as we can. The goal is to decentralize the information and provide a better ROI to your company or your clients.
I stumbled across this blog while searching for information on PCI compliance as it was something that was, and still is, a foggy mess to me. The blog accepts questions from anyone who wants to know more about PCI regulations or requires clarification.
– One of the best sites out there for PCI information as the authors are trying to inform rather than sell to you
– Accepts questions from readers and posts the responses for all to learn from
– Provides a phone number where you can leave voice mail questions
– Frequently updated with quality information
– Fantastic resource page with links to additional information: http://pcianswers.com/resources/
– Some knowledge of PCI, although not required, is helpful in understanding the content
– A fantastic site that every security professional should add to their RSS list even if they don’t deal with PCI on a regular basis