Category: Articles

Upcoming Opportunities to Meet

I figured it was time to update my Where’s Andrew page and thought I’d do a quick post letting people know where I”m going to be over the next few months. If you’re going to be at one of these events, please let me know and we’ll catch up (or meet) over a pint or two:

Announcing the Lethbridge OWASP Chapter

One of the things I wanted to do after arriving in Lethbridge, Alberta was to form a local OWASP chapter. As of today that “want” is now a reality. If you’re in Southern Alberta and are looking to learn more about application security, join the chapter. It’s free and you’ll probably learn a bunch of stuff.

Keep checking the official chapter webpage for details on when and where the next meeting is taking place:

Some Books That Mention The OSSEC HIDS

ossecI did a quick search through Amazon to see what books are talking about OSSEC since we published the OSSEC Host-Based Intrusion Detection Guide in February of 2008. To remind everyone, OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System. It performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. Here is a quick rundown of what I have found based on my Amazon search:

So if all of these other authors are talking about it…why haven’t you downloaded it and purchased a copy of the book? 🙂

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